National Disability Insurance Scheme

The NDIS is Australia’s first national Scheme for people with disability. It provides funding directly to individuals. 

What is NDIS all about?

  • NDIS: Quick Overview

    The National Disability Insurance Scheme is called the NDIS. NDIS Is a pathway for people under the age of 65 to be provided with the support and care they need.

    The NDIS is for people with a permanent and significant disability which impacts on their ability to take part in everyday activities.

    If you are eligible, you will work out what reasonable and necessary supports you need to live your life and achieve your goals. You’ll then receive funding to pay for these supports.

  • Our NDIS Partners

    There are a vast array of services a disabled person can receive under their NDIS Plan. We partner with respect well trusted services to ensure our clients are maximising the use of their plan and on the road to recovering to the best of their ability.